Size: Designed as 213 residential units + 40,000 sq. Ft. commercial residential units
Completion: TBD
barrientosRYAN assisted HomeSight as the development project manager for the design of The Opportunity Center at Othello Square: The project envisioned is to be a hub of educational opportunities, economic support, and cultural resources that will ensure residents and local businesses have a place in shaping the future of their community.
Located at the intersection of South Othello Street and Martin Luther King Jr Way South, the seven-story building will be a prominent anchor at the NE corner of the Othello Square campus and will be an icon for Rainier Valley and the surrounding community. The design of the Opportunity Center and the Othello Square master site will reflect the history and traditions of the Othello neighborhood as a welcoming place for all and will reflect the current diverse ethnic groups that make up the community and the campus users.
The Opportunity Center design includes 40,000 sq. ft. of community serving commercial space and 213 units of step-up, workforce-affordability rental units – serving families earning between 60% – 120% area median income.